Sunday, February 23, 2025


Poiesis VII

For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror, which we are still just able to endure, and we are so awed because it serenely disdains to annihilate us. -Rilke

So begins the Editor’s Introduction of the latest edition of POIESIS: the annual, cutting-edge source for new research from the fields of Expressive Arts Therapy and Media & Communication. As Rilke’s quote suggests, this beautiful new issue of the journal contains an extensive feature section on beauty and terror. This section also honours Shaun McNiff, one of the founders of the field of expressive arts therapy, on the event of his 60th birthday. In addition to this special and thought-provoking section, we are also proud to publish new works from Media & Communications — Pierre Aubenque, Christopher Fynsk and John Sallis — as well as poetry by Robert Bly and others. More than any other issue to date, POIESIS VIII spans geographic distance as well as time periods, exploring the art and nature of expression in places as far-reaching as Sierra Leone, Iraq, Jerusalem, Texas, and rural Canada, and from the Deep South of the 1800s to the Woodstock era to present times. Artwork appears in full colour.


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